Wednesday, August 14, 2013

First Day of School

Dear Evie,

It's your first day of school. You were the most excited. I can tell by the look in your face, the way you smile, all of your body language. And of course, verbally. You've been asking for days when will you be going to school and finally it happened today. Dada and me were worried that the school won't accept you today because we have not gotten the consent form signed by your pediatrician for the administration of Epipen.Your doctor was not available. But thankfully, your school was happy to take you in with your Benadryl in hand.

There was no sign of separation anxiety from you at all. Right after you got into your classroom, you instantly fit yourself in. You are just the happiest being around with other kids. I am happy that you are such a sociable little person. This is your first step in the "big world." I just pray to God that He will keep you safe always. He is the only one who can do it.

I love you with all of me,


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