Friday, August 9, 2013

Sous Chef Evie

Dear Evie,

Kneading dough for siopao.
Today you helped me make siopao (steamed bun). It's a very popular snack in the Philippines. We made this one before. But I don't think you still remember. You were very young then.You enjoyed kneading the dough. And because of that, we over-knead it. The consistency of the bun turned a little dense instead of soft and fluffy. But it's okay. Dada suggested that next time if we are going to make siopao again, I should give you a small piece of dough just for you to knead. You can knead it as long as you want :) By the way, you liked what we made. You ate one big piece of it. Your favorite part is the bun. You kept stealing Dada's pure white bun. Thank you for helping me today. I know there was a time I got a little frustrated while making it and snapped at you. At least now I know how to take care of it next time.


I love you with all of me,

Dear Fi,

It's funny how you tried to snort everytime you watch the show "Peppa Pig" on Nick Jr. And everytime I sing the line "peppa pig" you try snorting. You still don't know how to snort, but you are brilliant to find a way to mimic the sound.

You are so expert in opening doors now. You started learning the trick a week ago. I guess we have to lock doors where you don't want you to go like the bathroom. You know why? Because you dip your hands in the toilet or throw something in it. You are my clever girl.

I love you with all of me,


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