"Come here cotton tail rabbit, Evie hold your tail!" Evie is yelling to the cotton tail rabbit that she sees over the fence of our backyard while standing up on the armrest of a chair and holding onto the rails. There are two rabbits lurking around the bushy area behind our backyard. One is chasing a bird, and the other one seems like just wants to spend his time with us. Our presence does not make him run away at all. I'm thinking, he must have smelled the pretzels that Evie threw on the ground for the rabbit to eat. He's probably is just waiting for us to go away so he can grab his salty, crunchy treat.
I am glad I take her to our backyard today. She's the happiest. Seeing the cotton tail rabbits and talking to them makes her day. Simple things that grant her heart with grand joy. A mother's heart rejoices.
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