Friday, March 30, 2012

"Cocoon." - "No, Racoon."

"Cocoon." "Racoon?" "No, co-coon." I am trying to say the word slowly in syllables so that she will get it. "Can you say cocoon?" I ask. "Racoon, " she utters. "Can you say coo?" I request and she got it right. "Coon," finishing the word and saying the whole word "cocoon" again. "No, racoon," she insists. I explain to her the difference of a cocoon and a raccoon so that she will be able to differentiate the pronunciation of each word. But she still pronounces it the way she wants it to.

I am reading to her the book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" as she gets ready for her afternoon nap. There's a page in the book showing the caterpillar's cocoon and that's where the "pronunciation battle" starts. A scenario like this often happens where she insists on something she thinks in herself is right. Whenever I am caught in this situation, I prefer to stop arguing with her because I never win. Disagreeing with a two-year old leads you to defeat, most of the time. And today is another day where I just have to raise the white flag, specially that she's about to take her siesta.


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